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Privacy Law: Aftermath of Puttaswamy's Judgment

by Harmanjot Kaur  We use the data without much thought. Throughout our day, there are many instances where we share our stories via Instagram, Snapchat and many other instruments. However, there are various data protection laws which one should pay heed.  The following is a list of comprehensive resources, encompassing laws related to data privacy and security. Some of these are as follows:   1. Section 43A – Compensation for failure to protect data. 2. Section 66 – Computer Related Offences 3. Section 66A  – Punishment for sending offensive messages through communication service, etc. (This provision had been struck down by the Hon'ble Supreme Court as unconstitutional on 24th March 2015 in Shreya Singhal vs. Union of India) 4. Section 66B – Punishment for dishonestly receiving stolen computer resource or communication device. 5. Section 66C – Punishment for identity theft. 6. Section 66D – Punishment for cheating by personation by using computer resource. 7. Section 66E – P

Natural Justice Principles

  Natural Justice Principles Rule of Fair hearing The Rule of Natural Justice stands for the doctrine of fair hearing. This means that both the parties should be given the opportunity to be heard. Similarly, the judge which would be adjudicating the parties should not be a party to dispute. There should be a ‘notice’ given to the other party about the whereabouts of the dispute. Equal opportunity should be given to both the parties to be heard. Hearing both sides In America, it is known as due process. This would give both the parties an equal opportunity to hear. There should be a fair procedure, natural justice principle, biasness, fair exercise of the power of the administrative system. Audi Alterum partum This means that both the parties should be given an option of fair hearing. They should be allowed to present their views and contentions. No decision can be taken without the consideration of one of the parties. Indian context of the natural law In India, the prin

Ombudsman: Administrative Law

by Harmanjot Kaur OMBUDSMAN You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. With the popular quote of Gandhi i.e. hate the sin, not the sinner. We see that there are various underlying reasons for the increase in corruption. However, with the evolution of citizen-centric government, the evolution of concepts such as probity and integrity; Ombudsman came into the picture. Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. ( Nicholas Clairmont) Under the supervision of Anna Hazare, we see the evolution of the Lokayukta and Lokpal Act, which doomed as the bud flourishing into a garland binding people together who would fight against the menace of corruption. We observe that in order to keep an eye on the increasing instances of corruption, there are various provisions laid down by the government. One such system includes the system of Lokpal and Lokayukta. Lokpal works as the chief auth

Rule of Law

    by Harmanjot Kaur  The constitutional law and jurisprudence would be a cakewalk if one is well versed with the concepts such as natural justice and rule of law. similarly, in the indian contracts act, we encounter terms such as ‘based on equity and law of natural justice’, however, it is very difficult to interpret them in case one is not well versed with these terms. Here we will discuss these terms in detail. Rule of Law Introduction The term rule of law is derived from the ‘French phase’ La principle de legalite’ which means that the government based on the principle of law Edward Cook is said to be the originator of the concept of the rule of law. He said that the king must be under God and Law. Edward Cook has three major points to say regarding ‘Rule of Law’. 1.         Rule of law is required to ensure that there is no authoritarian rule of the crown. 2.      Rule of Law is to ensure that there is no arbitrary authority of the government. 3.      Rule of Law is

Nothing Lasts Forever!

Is it treason, Is it true? I've sacrificed my life in a mourning hue. Uncertain, yet a want; I escape my mornings and a dawn, Clad in the four walls; With books in my hand; I wonder where my life has tread... IAS or IFS, Amen! I feel comfortable with the foreign accent. How many have come,  How many have gone... Even my soul, itself now had all that explained, With a simple word called 'forget'. Escaping TPA classes,  Swiftly grappling the squeezing of even one second, From the nasty sight of my Admin Ma'am. Forget not to get out of sight of Meh*ta, Escape the clenched of Mr Jain, For I want to go in the British era's invades.  Has there been any way out? For the Wyom and Serpent backstabbing me on and on. Forget, naa never; But worry not,  'Coz I won't put your name in that knot. Heaven can't help me now, And nothing lasts forever... Nothing Lasts Forever! ( Sigh: This irony of the situation)

'Tis the world: A dried leaf in the Wind

 'Tis the world Gushing winds with emerald rings; The ringing of your ears still enmeshed, Those scrounging words you sing. Sans the number in your list,  I saw the witches with clenched fists! Hope I did not get out of it, Or get into it, and Deep within Who are you? May I know your name? Maybe I forgot who was 'Me'. The rosy cheeks and bewildered shine, Some reason for the days that once I climbed, From the zenith to Abyss and back in vain... With tears in my eyes,  Or still, there are none; I came to know how cruel life can be... The sunny days, with red hairs' fairytales, How the seniors and you entailed. Forget me not the garbage #CV you made,  I see the quench diving deep, The cut-throat pain that you gave. Sans the publications that you made, I have seen these wonderous faces; For the men may come,  And the men may go, But hold on still to the belief; You worship God without the utter instance, You ignore the alms fetcher on your door. A gloomy past and a captiva