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Jurisprudence: Customs

Can all Customs become Law? by Harmanjot Kaur What is Custom In various parts of the world, we see various customs of varying degrees. These help in the regulation of human behaviour. These are adopted consciously or unconsciously. However, we see reciprocal rights and obligations related to them. Law based on customs is known as customary law. We see Hindu law, and Muslim Law based on the customs and traditions of the respective community. Similarly, we have Parsi law and Christian Act regarding their personal rights and rituals. However, we see not all customs become law. In this blog, we will see what are the conditions, which a custom should fulfil to make it valid in the eyes of law. Position of custom in various ancient Legal Systems Unlike any other source of law, the custom is also given the status as the source of law. In case it fulfils certain conditions. In most of the ancient legal societies, we see that there were Smritis, Yajnavalkya and other important sources such a