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Comparison of Marxism, Liberalism and Gandhism

Meaning of Isms


Focused on liberalism. Origin of the word: Liberalis i.e. Free Man


Focused on the freedom and division of powers.


Focused on the 'communism and collective ownership. Restricted freedom of the individual.

Major Propounders


JS Mills, John Locke, Jeremy Bentham, TC Green


Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Fredric Engels


Gandhi Ji and all the president and PM of India who approved of his principles

Views about 'State'


Traditional Liberalism: Disapproved of the 'State'

Contemporary Liberalism: Of the view that 'State;' is a necessary evil.


State is a means of exploitation of poor by the 'Rich'. Classless state.


Focused on the 'decentralisation of the power'. 'State' as means of violence: Police State.

Views about Religion


State should not interfere in the religious matters.


Against religion. Religion is like an opium. Escapist tendencies.


Focused on religion as an important part of human life. Held the view that integration of politics and religion would purify politics as well.

Books and Influences


Supporters: JS Mills, Bentham, John Locke, Adam Smith


Das Capital Critique of Political Economy Value, Price and Profit Inaugural Address


My Experience with Truth Unto this Last Tolstoy Gita and Ramayana Political Guru: Gopal Krishna Gokhale

Liberty of Individual


In favour of freedom of individual. Laissez Faire principle


Restricted the freedom of Individual


Focused on decentralisation of powers

Basis of Views


Individualism, humanism and freedom of individual


Working, Money, classlessness, labour No difference between rich and poor


Ahimsa, Non-Violence, Sarvodaya, Hijrat, Trusteeship

Views about democracy


A representative form of government, an 'Elective' form of government


Classlessness, no difference between rich and poor


Focus on ground level, decentralisation of power

Views about violent means


Government should be tolerant, right to present opposing views.


Annihilate, focus on classlessness, use any means whatsoever.


Do not favour violent means at any cost


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