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 For the Research on

ANTARCTIC LAKES SCIENTIFIC ACCESS) for study of microbes and living specimens in a Subglacial

Lake Mercer of Antarctica.


Benefit? Evolution of Earth knowledge, about Jupiter and Saturn, habitat deep under Mars etc.


DNA is made up of molecules called nucleotides. Each nucleotide contains a phosphate group, a sugar group & a nitrogen base. The four types of

nitrogen bases are adenine(A), thymine(T), guanine(G) & cytosine (C).DNA is a double helix formed by base pairs mattached to a sugar-phosphate backbone.

t Human Microbiome Project (HMP)

To Know about the diff of immunity of urban vss tribal. Why they not affected by as many diseases we do? Pathogens resistance in human?

Genome Editing



CRISPR is the DNA-targeting part of the

system which consists of an RNA

molecule, or ‘guide’, designed to bind to

specific DNA bases through

complementary base-pairing.

o Cas9 is the nuclease part that cuts the DNA.

 A recent approach to genome editing is

known as CRISPR-Cas9, which is short for

clustered regularly interspaced short

palindromic repeats and CRISPR-associated

protein 9.

o It was adapted from a naturally occurring

genome editing system in bacteria.

Earth Bio Genome Project

• It aims to sequence, catalog and characterize

the genomes of all of Earth’s eukaryotic

biodiversity over a period of ten years.

• It involves projects by various countries:

o US-led project to sequence the genetic

code of tens of thousands of vertebrates.

o Chinese project to sequence 10,000 plant


o The Global Ant Genomes Alliance, which

aims to sequence around 200 ant


o UK participants, led by the Wellcome

Sanger Institute, will also sequence the

genetic codes of all 66,000 species

inhabiting Britain in a national effort

called the Darwin Tree of Life.


Human Genome Project (HGP):


• This was an international and multi-institutional effort that took 13 years [1990-2003] to produce a blueprint of the

human genome.

• The HGP has revealed that there are probably about 20,500 human genes composed of over 3 billion base pairs.

• India did not participate in HGP-read.


• This project was launched in 2016 to write or build an artificial human genome from scratch with sophisticated

bioengineering tools.

• Potential applications include growing transplantable human organs, engineering immunity to viruses in cell lines,

engineering cancer resistance into new therapeutic cell lines, and accelerating high-productivity, cost-efficient

vaccine etc.


that ISRO will be sending its first

human spaceflight mission into the space by 2022.


Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), 1969.

• It’s the pioneer space exploration agency of the

GoI, with headquarters at Bengaluru.

• Vision: To develop and harness space technology

in national development, while pursuing planetary

exploration and space science research.

• ISRO replaced its predecessor, INCOSPAR (Indian National Committee for SpaceResearch),

established in 1962 by India’s first Prime Minister Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and scientist Vikram Sarabhai.

• It operates through a countrywide network of

centre such as Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre in

Thiruvananthapuram, ISRO Satellite Centre in

Bangalore, Satish Dhawan Space Centre on

Sriharikota Island, near Chennai, Space

Applications Centre in Ahmedabad, National

Remote Sensing Centre in Hyderabad etc.

• ISRO’s commercial arm is Antrix Corporation,

which has its headquarters in Bangalore.



Geosynchronous: Equator

Internet Broadband

Why in News?

GSAT-11, the heaviest satellite built by ISRO was launched from French Guiana by Ariane-V Rocket of Arianespace (a joint venture of Airbus and Safran).


Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO) is an elliptical orbit,

with an apogee (high point) of 35,784 kilometers and an inclination roughly equal to the latitude of the launch site, into which a spacecraft is initially placed before being transferred to a geosynchronous or geostationary orbit.

Ku nd Ku Band

• Ku band ranges between 12-18 GHz while Ka Band ranges from 26.5-40 GHz.

• Most satellites today use Ku Band Transponders

because it is difficult to build hardware and

software for Ka Band Transponders.


 great precision and detail.

• Hyperspectral images provide much more

detailed information about the scene by

dividing the spectrum into many more bands

than a normal color camera, which only

acquires three different spectral channels

corresponding to the visual primary colors

red, green and blue.

Hyperspectral and Multispectral Imaging


Why: Gr8 Precision

Hyperspectral imagery consists of much narrower bands (10-20 nm). A hyperspectral image could have hundreds or thousands of bands. In general, it comes from an imaging spectrometer.


Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has

recently launched Young Scientist Programme/

YUva VIgyani KAryakram (Yuvika) for school


About the Young Scientist Programme

• It aims to inculcate and nurture space

research fervor in young minds.

NASA Missions

Parker Solar Probe

• It is first to fly direct into the Sun’s

atmosphere known as corona. The

Sun’s unstable corona produces:

solar winds, flares, magnetic and

plasma explosions.

• It will take measurements of the

Sun’s electric fields and waves.


InSight Mars Lander

• First spacecraft designed to explore the deep interior of the red planet.

• The landing site is Elysium Planitia,

close to Mars’ equator.


Opportunity Rover

• It has been recently declared as

complete. It confirmed that water

once flowed on the Mars.


Cassini  Huygens

• It was launched through

collaboration between NASA, ESA

and the Italian space agency to

study Saturn and its system of

rings and moons (Saturn’s largest

moon is Titan)

• It was first spacecraft to orbit Saturn.


Voyager 1 and 2

• Voyager 2 has become the second

human-made object in history to

enter the interstellar space after

crossing the heliopause (region

where the tenuous, hot solar wind

meets the cold, dense interstellar


• Voyager 1 was the first spacecraft

to have entered interstellar space


New Horizons probe

• It recently completed the flyby of

the Kuiper Belt object nicknamed

Ultima Thule and set the record for

the most distant object ever visited

by a spacecraft.

• It is the first mission to the Pluto

System and the Kuiper belt.

• The farthest ever trajectory

correction maneuvers (TCM) or

course correction has been

performed on this spacecraft.

Ultima Thule is a contact binary i.e

it’s a single object, with two lobes,

but the lobes are gently in contact.

NASA dubbed the larger lobe

Ultima, and the other, which is

about three times smaller, Thule.

• Kuiper Belt is a donut-shaped

region of icy bodies beyond the

orbit of Neptune.


Dawn mission

• Only mission ever to orbit two

extraterrestrial targets - giant

asteroid Vesta and the dwarf

planet Ceres.

• Ceres is the largest body in the

asteroid belt between Mars and

Jupiter. It is only dwarf planet

located in the inner circle of the

solar system, rest all are located

on the outer edges.



• It is a space probe launched for a

near earth asteroid Bennu in 2016.

• These first images of Bennu

present a remarkable similarity

with the ones recently obtained by

the JAXA Hayabusa2 mission

(Japanese mission) of another

primitive asteroid, Ryugu.






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