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Notes Semester 6 BA-LL.B. and History

  1. Jurisprudence  
    • Topics Covered

Jurisprudence-  Meaning, Nature and Scope.

        1. --    Definition of Law, Classification of Law. Relation between Law and Morals.
        2. --    Sources of Law
        3. --    Custom- Meaning, Kinds, Essentials of a valid custom, when does a custom become Law?
        4. --    Precedent: Meaning, Importance, Merits and Demerits. Doctrine of Precedent and its     operation in India. Do the judges make Law?  
        5. --    Legislation: Meaning, Supreme and Subordinate Legislation.
        6. --    Concept of Administration of Justice, Difference between Administration of Civil Justice     and Criminal Justice, Theories of punishment.
        7. --    State:    Definition, Elements of State, Theories of origin of State, Relation between law     and State.
        8. --    Codification:    Meaning, Classification, Merits and Demerits.
        9. --    Rights and Duties:  Meaning, Theories of Legal right, Elements of Legal right,     Classification of Rights and Duties.
        10. --    Personality:  Meaning and Nature of Legal Personality, Legal Status of unborn person,     Dead man, Animals, Idol and State, Nature of Corporate Personality, Theories of     Corporate Personality, Advantages of Incorporation liability of Corporation.
        11. --    Kelsen's Pure theory of law.
        12. --    Historical School of law. 
        13. --    Sociological School of law.
        14. --    Analytical school of Law.
        15. --    Natural Law school.
        16. --    Possession:  Meaning, Kinds of Possession, Analysis of Possession, Pessessory     Remedies, Rights of Possessor, Acquisition of Possession.
        17. --    Ownership:  Definition, Essentials of ownership, Kinds of ownership, Modes of     Acquisition of ownership.
        18. --    Property:  Meaning, Theories of Property, Kinds of Property, Modes of Acquisition of     Property.



  1. Labour Law

  • Topics Covered

  1. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
      1. --    Object and Salient Features of the Act.
      2. --    Definitions
      3. --    Responsibility for payment of Wages.
      4. --    Wage period and time of payment of wages, mode of payment.
      5. --    Deductions which may be made from wages.
      6. --    Contracting Out.
      7. --    Authorities under the Act.
    1. The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act, 1976
      1. --    Aims and Objectives of the Act.
      2. --    Definitions
      3. --    Constitutional and legal provisions.
      4. --    Liability to repay bonded debt to stand extinguished.
      5. --    Property of bonded labour to be freed from Mortagage.
      6. --    Forced bonded labour  not to be evicted from homestead.
      7. --    Authorities for implementing the provisions of the Act.
    1. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
      1. --    Object and salient features of the Act.
      2. --    Definitions
      3. --    Procedure for fixing and revising minimum wages.
      4. --    Exemption of employer from liability in certain cases.
      5. --    Contracting Out.
    1. The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976   
      1. --    Object and Salient features of the Act.
      2. --    Definitions
      3. --    Equal Remuneration to men and women.
      4. --    No discrimination to be made while recruiting men and women workers.
      5. --    Advisory Committee.
      6. --    Power of appropriate Government to appoint authorities for hearing and deciding claims     and complaint.
    1. The Employees Compensation Act, 1923
      1. --    Object and aims of the Act.
      2. --    Definitions
      3. --    Employers liability for compensation.
      4. --    Notional Extension of  Empoyer's  premises.
      5. --    Review of Compensation.
      6. --    Notice and Claims of the accident.
      7. --    Power to require from employer statement regarding fatal accidents.
      8. --    Reports of fatal accidents and serious bodily injuries.
      9. --    Medical Examination and consequences of non-submission to medical examination.
      10. --    Liability for contractor's employers.
      11. --    Remedies of employer against stranger.
      12. --    Attachment, assignment and charge on compensation.
      13. --    Compensation to be first charge on assets transferred by employer.
      14. --    Contracting Out.
      15. --    Penalties.
    1. The Employees State Insurance Act, 1948
      1. --    Object and Salient features of Act.
      2. --    Definitions
      3. --    Contributions.
      4. --    Benefits.
      5. --    Adjudication of disputes and claims.
      6. --    Penalties.



  1. Gender Justice
    • UCC
    • Adoption and Guardianship
    • COnstitutional Safeguards for Women Protection
    • International Conventions on Gender Justice
    • Case Laws 
  1. Company law 1
  2. Company Law 2

Corporate Personality:

 Definition of Company, Extent and application of Companies Act, 2013, Nature of Corporate form and advantages, Disadvantages of incorporation, Kind of Company.

Registration and Incorporation:

 Formation of Company, Promoters, Certificate of incorporation, Pre-incorporation contracts, Commencement of business.

Memorandum of Association

: Contents, or Clauses of Memorandum of Association, Rule of ultra vires.

Articles of Association:

 Contents, Alteration, Binding force of Memorandum and articles, Doctrine of constructive notice and indoor management. 


Definition, Contents, Liability for misrepresentation or untrue statement in prospectus.


: Allotment, Restriction on allotment, Share certificate, Transfer of shares, Forged transfer, Issue of shares- on premium and discount, Call on shares, forfeiture of shares, surrender of shares, Lien on shares, Dividend on shares.


 Meaning, Usual features, Kinds of debentures, fixed and Floating charge, Crystallisation of floating charge, Remedies of debenture holders, Share holder compared with debenture holder.  


 Modes of membership, who may be member, Ceaser of membership, Register of members, Inspection and closing of register, Rectification of register, Annual returns.


Appointment, Qualification, Vacantion of office, Removal, Powers, Position and Duties, Corporate Social Responsibility.


Kinds, Notice, Quorum, Voting, Kinds of resolutions. 


  Investigation of Companies Affairs (Section 201-229)

Prevention of oppressing and mismanagement:

Majority powers and Minority rights- Rule in Foss v. Harbottle, Prevention of oppression and mismanagement (Sections: 241-246).

  1. Modern History
    • 1. European Penetration into India:
      • The Early European Settlements; The Portuguese and the Dutch; The English and the French East India Companies; Their struggle for supremacy; Carnatic Wars; Bengal-The conflict between the English and the Nawabs of Bengal; Siraj and the English; The Battle of Plassey; Significance of Plassey.

      • 2. British Expansion in India:
        • Bengal-Mir Jafar and Mir Kasim; The Battle of Buxar; Mysore; The Marathas; The three Anglo-Maratha Wars; The Punjab.

      • 3. Early Structure of the British Raj:
        • The Early administrative structure; From diarchy to direct contol; The Regulating Act (1773); The Pitt's India Act (1784); The Charter Act (1833); The Voice of free trade and the changing character of British colonial rule; The English utilitarian and India.

      • 4. Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule:
        • (a) Land revenue settlements in British India; The Permanent Settlement; Ryotwari Settlement; Mahalwari Settlement; Economic impact of the revenue arrangements; Commercialization of agriculture; Rise of landless agrarian labourers; Impoverishment of the rural society.
        • (b) Dislocation of traditional trade and commerce; De-industrialisation; Decline of traditional crafts; Drain of wealth; Economic transformation of India; Railroad and communication network including telegraph and postal services; Famine and poverty in the rural interior; European business enterprise and its limitations.

      • 5. Social and Cultural Developments:
        • The state of indigenous education, its dislocation; Orientalist-Anglicist controversy, The introduction of western education in India; The rise of press, literature and public opinion; The rise of modern vernacular literature; Progress of Science; Christian missionary activities in India.

      • 6. Social and Religious Reform Movements in Bengal and Other Areas:
        • Ram Mohan Roy, The Brahmo Movement; Devendranath Tagore; Iswarchandra Vidyasagar; The Young Bengal Movement; Dayanada Saraswati; The social reform movements in India including Sati, widow remarriage, child marriage etc.; The contribution of Indian renaissance to the growth of modern India; Islamic revivalism-the Feraizi and Wahabi Movements.

      • 7. Indian Response to British Rule:
        • Peasant movement and tribal uprisings in the 18th and 19th centuries including the Rangpur Dhing (1783), the Kol Rebellion (1832), the Mopla Rebellion in Malabar (1841-1920), the Santal Hul (1855), Indigo Rebellion (1859-60), Deccan Uprising (1875) and the Munda Ulgulan (1899-1900); The Great Revolt of 1857 —Origin, character, casuses of failure, the consequences; The shift in the character of peasant uprisings in the post-1857 period; the peasant movements of the 1920s and 1930s.

      • 8. Factors leading to the birth of Indian Nationalism; Politics of Association; The Foundation of the Indian National Congress; The Safety-valve thesis relating to the birth of the Congress;
        • Programme and objectives of Early Congress; the social composition of early Congress leadership; the Moderates and Extremists; The Partition of Bengal (1905); The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal; the economic and political aspects of Swadeshi Movement; The beginning of revolutionary extremism in India.
        • 9. Rise of Gandhi; Character of Gandhian nationalism; Gandhi's popular appeal; Rowlatt Satyagraha; the Khilafat Movement; the Non-cooperation Movement; National politics from the end of the Non-cooperation movement to the beginning of the Civil Disobedience Movement; the two phases of the Civil Disobedience Movement; Simon Commission; The Nehru Report; the Round Table Conferences; Nationalism and the Peasant Movements; Nationalism and Working class movements; Women and Indian youth and students in Indian politics (1885-1947); the election of 1937 and the formation of ministries; Cripps Mission; the Quit India Movement; the Wavell Plan; The Cabinet Mission. 

      • 10. Constitutional Developments in the Colonial India between 1858 and 1935.
      • 11. Other strands in the National Movement.
        • The Revolutionaries: Bengal, the Punjab, Maharashtra, U.P. the Madras Presidency, Outside India.
        • The Left; The Left within the Congress: Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, the Congress Socialist Party; the Communist Party of India, other left parties.

      • 12. Politics of Separatism; the Muslim League; the Hindu Mahasabha; Communalism and the politics of partition; Transfer of power; Independence.
      • 13. Consolidation as a Nation; Nehru's Foreign Policy; India and her neighbours (1947-1964); The linguistic reorganisation of States (1935-1947); Regionalism and regional inequality; Integration of Princely States; Princes in electoral politics; the Question of National Language.

      • 14. Caste and Ethnicity after 1947; Backward Castes and Tribes in post-colonial electoral politics; Dalit movements.
      • 15. Economic development and political change; Land reforms; the politics of planning and rural reconstruction; Ecology and environmental policy in post-colonial India; Progress of Science.
  2. Medieval India
    • 13. Early Medieval India, 750‐1200:
      • Polity: Major political developments in Northern India and the peninsula, origin and the rise of Rajputs.
      • The Cholas: administration, village economy and society “Indian Feudalism”.
      • Agrarian economy and urban settlements.
      • Trade and commerce.
      • Society: the status of the Brahman and the new social order.
      • Condition of women.
      • Indian science and technology.

      • 14. Cultural Traditions in India, 750‐1200:
        • — Philosophy: Skankaracharya and Vedanta, Ramanuja and Vishishtadvaita, Madhva and Brahma-Mimansa.
        • — Religion: Forms and features of religion, Tamil devotional cult, growth of Bhakti, Islam and its arrival in India, Sufism.
        • — Literature: Literature in Sanskrit, growth of Tamil literature, literature in the newly developing languages, Kalhan's Rajtarangini, Alberuni's India.
        • — Art and Architecture: Temple architecture, sculpture, painting.

      • 15. The Thirteenth Century:
        • — Establishment of the Delhi Sultanate: The Ghurian invasions - factors behind Ghurian success.
        • — Economic, Social and cultural consequences.
        • — Foundation of Delhi Sultanate and early Turkish Sultans.
        • — Consolidation: The rule of Iltutmish and Balban.

      • 16. The Fourteenth Century:
        • — “The Khalji Revolution”.
        • — Alauddin Khalji: Conquests and territorial expansion, agrarian and economic measure.
        • — Muhammad Tughluq: Major projects, agrarian measures, bureaucracy of Muhammad Tughluq.
        • — Firuz Tugluq: Agrarian measures, achievements in civil engineering and public works, decline of the Sultanate, foreign contacts and Ibn Battuta's account.

      • 17. Society, Culture and Economy in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries:
        • — Society: composition of rural society, ruling classes, town dwellers, women, religious classes, caste and slavery under the Sultanate, Bhakti movement, Sufi movement.
        • — Culture: Persian literature, literature in the regional languages of North India, literaute in the languages of South India, Sultanate architecture and new structural forms, painting, evolution of a composite culture.
        • — Economy: Agricultural Production, rise of urban economy and non-agricultural production, trade and commerce.

      • 18. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century‐Political Developments and Economy:
        • — Rise of Provincial Dynasties : Bengal, Kashmir (Zainul Abedin), Gujarat.
        • — Malwa, Bahmanids.
        • — The Vijayanagara Empire.
        • — Lodis.
        • — Mughal Empire, first phase : Babur, Humayun.
        • — The Sur Empire : Sher Shah’s administration.
        • — Portuguese colonial enterprise, Bhakti and Sufi Movements.

      • 19. The Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Century‐ Society and culture:
        • — Regional cultures specificities.
        • — Literary traditions.
        • — Provincial architectural.
        • — Society, culture, literature and the arts in Vijayanagara Empire.

      • 20. Akbar:
        • — Conquests and consolidation of empire.
        • — Establishment of jagir and mansab systems.
        • — Rajput policy.
        • — Evolution of religious and social outlook. Theory of Sulh‐i‐kul and religious policy.
        • — Court patronage of art and technology.

      • 21. Mughal Empire in the Seventeenth Century:
        • — Major administrative policies of Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb.
        • — The Empire and the Zamindars.
        • — Religious policies of Jahangir, Shahjahan and Aurangzeb.
        • — Nature of the Mughal State.
        • — Late Seventeenth Century crisis and the revolts.
        • — The Ahom kingdom.
        • — Shivaji and the early Maratha Kingdom.

      • 22. Economy and society, in the 16th and 17th Centuries:
        • — Population Agricultural and craft production.
        • — Towns, commerce with Europe through Dutch, English and French companies : a trade revolution.
        • — Indian mercantile classes. Banking, insurance and credit systems.
        • — Conditions of peasants, Condition of Women.
        • — Evolution of the Sikh community and the Khalsa Panth.

      • 23. Culture during Mughal Empire:
        • — Persian histories and other literature.
        • — Hindi and religious literatures.
        • — Mughal architecture.
        • — Mughal painting.
        • — Provincial architecture and painting.
        • — Classical music.
        • — Science and technology.

      • 24. The Eighteenth Century:
        • — Factors for the decline of the Mughal Empire.
        • — The regional principalities: Nizam’s Deccan, Bengal, Awadh.
        • — Maratha ascendancy under the Peshwas.
        • — The Maratha fiscal and financial system.
        • — Emergence of Afghan power Battle of Panipat, 1761.
        • — State of, political, cultural and economic, on eve of the British conquest.
  3. World History
    • 16. Enlightenment and Modern ideas:
      • (i) Major Ideas of Enlightenment : Kant, Rousseau.
      • (ii) Spread of Enlightenment in the colonies.
      • (iii) Rise of socialist ideas (up to Marx); spread of Marxian Socialism.

      • 17. Origins of Modern Politics :
        • (i) European States System.
        • (ii) American Revolution and the Constitution.
        • (iii) French Revolution and Aftermath, 1789-1815.
        • (iv) American Civil War with reference to Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery.
        • (v) British Democratic politics, 1815-1850 : Parliamentary Reformers, Free Traders, Chartists.

      • 18. Industrialization :
        • (i) English Industrial Revolution : Causes and Impact on Society.
        • (ii) Industrialization in other countries : USA, Germany, Russia, Japan.
        • (iii) Industrialization and Globalization.

      • 19. Nation‐State System :
        • (i) Rise of Nationalism in 19th century.
        • (ii) Nationalism : State-building in Germany and Italy.
        • (iii) Disintegration of Empires in the face of the emergence of nationalities across the World.

      • 20. Imperialism and Colonialism :
      • (i) South and South-East Asia.
      • (ii) Latin America and South Africa.
      • (iii) Australia.
      • (iv) Imperialism and free trade: Rise of neo-imperialism.

      • 21. Revolution and Counter‐Revolution :
      • (i) 19th Century European revolutions.
      • (ii) The Russian Revolution of 1917-1921.
      • (iii) Fascist Counter-Revolution, Italy and Germany.
      • (iv) The Chinese Revolution of 1949.

      • 22. World Wars :
      • (i) 1st and 2nd World Wars as Total Wars : Societal implications.
      • (ii) World War I : Causes and Consequences.
      • (iii) World War II : Causes and Consequences.

      • 23. The World after World War II:
      • (i) Emergence of Two power blocs.
      • (ii) Emergence of Third World and non-alignment.
      • (iii) UNO and the global disputes.

      • 24 . Liberation from Colonial Rule :
        • (i) Latin America-Bolivar.
        • (ii) Arab World-Egypt.
        • (iii) Africa-Apartheid to Democracy.
        • (iv) South-East Asia-Vietnam.

      • 25. Decolonization and Underdevelopment :
      • (i) Factors constraining Development ; Latin America, Africa.

      • 26. Unification of Europe :
      • (i) Post War Foundations ; NATO and European Community.
      • (ii) Consolidation and Expansion of European Community
      • (iii) European Union.

      • 27. Disintegration of Soviet Union and the Rise of the Unipolar World :
      • (i) Factors leading to the collapse of Soviet Communism and Soviet Union, 1985-1991.
      • (ii) Political Changes in East Europe 1989-2001.
      • (iii) End of the Cold War and US Ascendancy in the World as the lone superpower.
  4. Taxation
        1. Constitutional Provisions, Concept of Tax, Nature and Characteristics of Taxes.
        2.  Distinction between: Tax and Fee, Tax and Cess, Direct and Indirect Taxes.
        3.  Income Tax Law- Definitions: Income, Total Income, Assessee, Person, Assessment     year, Previous Year, Capital Asset.
        4. Charge of Income Tax (Section 4), Incidence of Tax (Section 5), Residential Status of an     Assessee (Section 6)
        5. Heads of Income (Section 14).
        6.  Income under the Head "Salaries" (Section 15-17).
        7. Income under the Head "Income from House Property" (Section 22-27).
        8.  Income under the Head “ Profits and Gains from Business or Profession”(Sections28-44)
        9.  Income under the Head "Capital Gains" (Sections 45(1), 54 54B, 54D, 54EC, 54ED, 54F,     54G, 54GA)
        10.  Income under the Head "Income from Other Sources" (Section 56-59)
        11.  Deductions to be made in computing Total Income (Section 80A-80GGC)
        12.  Rebates and Reliefs of Income Tax (Section 87-89)
        13. Income of other Persons included in Assessee's Total Income (Section 60-65)
        14.  Set off and Carry forward and Set off of Losses (Section 70-80)
        15. Income Tax Authorities and their Powers (Sections 116, 131-36)
        16. Return of Income (Section 139(1) & Section 140), Return of Loss (Section 139(3)),     Belated Return (Section 139(4)), Revised Return (Section 139(5)),Permanent Account Number (Section 139(A)),


        1. Self Assessment (Section 140 A),Best Judgment Assessment     (Section 144-145),Income Escaping Assessment (Section 147-148)


        1.  Advance Payment of Tax (Section 207-11, 217 & 219)
        2. Refunds (Section 237-241)
        3.  Penalties and Prosecutions (Section 270-280)
        4. Salient features of Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017



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