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Class of Revenue Officers


Section 6: Classes of Revenue Officers

a. Financial Commissioner

b.                        Commissioner

c. Collector

d.                        The Assistant Collector 1st Grade

e.The Assistant Collector 2nd Grade


Section 7: Financial Commissioner

  • There shall be one or more FC
  • May make rules and distribution of business
  • In case of difference of opinion, may appeal, review or revise as in accordance to majority.
  • The opinion as referred by State Govt. would be considered final
  • Interpretation as in accordance of time being in force
  • FC appointed as per the Section 54 of Punjab Courts Act, 1884


Supplementary Provisions


Section 7: Financial Commissioner

Section 8: Appointment of Commissioner

Section9: Appointment of Tehsildar

Section 10: power of Revenue Officers

Section 11: Superintendence control of Revenue Officers

Section 12: Power to distribute business and withdraw and transfer cases


Appeal: 96-112: CPC, 1908
Revision: 114: CPC, 1908

Review: 115: CPC, 1908


Appeal: Commissioner order Collector [subordinate]

Commissioner's appeal goes to FC

Assistant Collector Grade 1 and 2 goes to Collector


Section 14: Limitation on Appeal

Collector: 30 days
Commissioner: 60 days

Finance Commissioner: 90 days

Section 15: Review by Revenue Officers

  •  By his own motion
  • By an application by an aggrieved party


Section 16: Power to call for examination and revise proceedings of RO

  • FC may at any time call for records of any pending case
  • Commissioner or collector may call pending case before RO
  • Commissioner or Collector is of the opinion, order as it should be reversed etc. It should be duly intimated.


Section 17: Power to make rules as to procedure

  • State Govt may make the rules consistent with the Act, for regulating the RO
  • Rules may be for the enforcement or ejecting from, delivery of property, immovable or contempts etc.
  • The RO is empowered to refer case to other RO to dispose it.


Section 18: Person by whom the appearance and application

  • By the parties themselves
  • By their recognised agents or legal practitioner


Section 19: Power to Revenue Officer to summon person

  • RO shall summon person's attendance for purpose of any business
  • Bound to appear on prescribed time and place
  • State upon the truth about a matter or making of a statement


Section 20: Mode of Service of Summon

a.                        RO shall practicably serve the summons

a.                        Personally

b.                       By recognised agent

c. Deliver to an 'Adult male' residing with him.

b.                        Post or pasting a copy at the usual place of last known place

c. Multiple parties involved in the case, RO would nominate a person who would dictate the contents to people.

d.                        May forward letter/ summon or address to other person.

e.Properly address it to RO, in ordinary course of post.


Section 21: Mode of service of notice, order of proclamation, or copy

As per the last forgoing section.


Section 22: Mode of making proclamation

As prescribed mode, as stated by the Act or a copy poised on  a conspicuous piece.


Section 23: Place of Sittings
Within the local jurisdiction, or where the RO exercises his powers.


Section 24: Holidays

State Govt, shall publish in an Official Gazette, a list of holidays for that year in approval of Financial Commissioner.


Section 25: Discharge of Duties of Collector or being disabled

Would be Chief Executive Administration to the district, as prescribed by the State Govt.


Section 26: Retention of power by RO or to transfer a case

As per direction of superior officer or as directed by the Act.








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