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Detailed Syllabus UPSC


History and Culture

Nature of indian national movement


Revolt of 1857


Socio-religious reformation movement




Congress- Moderates and Extremists - spilt  {surat} reunion lucknow


Partition of bangal-swadeshi movement and rise of revolutionary terrorism


Nationalism during world war-1 Gadar party and home rule league


M.K Gandhi -south african experiment, rowlett satyagraha and jalianwala bagh massacre


Jaewaharlal nehru


Rabindranath tagore


Dr B.R ambedkar


Non cooperation movement -Khilafat, swarajists and no changes and growth of revolutonary terrorism


Civil disobidiance movement - round table conference, Gandhi-Irwin Pact, Kachi congress,Mcdonald award and poona pact


The gov of India act-1935- The congress ministers- 2nd world war


Proposal towards Independence - The august offer/cripps mission/ Rajaji formula/ desai liaquat Formula/ Wavell plan/ cabinet mission plan/ dickie bird plan/ mountbatten plan


Quit india movement - Ina and Rin mutiny

Communalism/ Partition of india


Factors / independence act 1947


Princly states and integration


Acts during british raj/ commission


Movements- state people's movement, tribal movement, movement against untouchability and aste system, movemnt for the upliftment of woman


Growth/ development civil services, judicial systems, local self government, modern education, indian press and nationalistic foreign policy


Impat of briish rule on indian economy


Post- independence consolidation and reorganisation within the countary


Art and culture/ Architecture and sculptures/paintings


Dance/music/ theatre




Viceroy/governer genral







Solar system










Drainage system










Energy resources


Natural resources


Water resources


Regional development and planning


Growth entre/ pole/foci





Indian Policy

 Basic features of the constition




Fundamental rights


Directive principles of state policy


Fundamental duties'


Constituonal amendments


Emergency Provisions




States authority/creation/movement


Civil services in India


Inter-state water disputes


Attorney general/CAG


Union executive


Lok sabha


Rajya sabha


Parliamentary committees


Parliamentary proceddings




State executives


State legislature


Local self government


Party system in india/pressure groups


Eletion/election commison of india/ anti-defection


Different instituion/ commities/ommisions


Feudalism/union-state relations


Legal issues






 Development- industrial, agricultural and service sector policies, measures and achievents


Plannings- objectives


Foreign trade and balance of payments


Fiscal policy


Monetary policy


Programmes related to povery / allevaitions and employment generation


Money maket and capital market


National income




Capital formation


Land reform in india


World ecomic organization / agencies


Indian economic organizations


Agreements involving india and/or affecting india's interests



Presentation of data-Tablation, graph and diagram


Measure of central tendancy- mean,median,mode


Measures of dispersion- range, mean diviation, standard deviation


Correaltion, regression, index  numbers

Probabilty and logic based questions and arithemetic




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