by Harmanjot Kaur
Book Review: RK Bangia
Even before entering into Law School, we are often bombarded with legal maxims and Case Laws for CLAT and other such law school entrance exams. 'Res Ipsa Loquitor' is one of these famous maxims, we often encounter in law schools. However, in order to ease the process and not bunging the whole year in stress and law school books, we would discuss the pros and cons of choosing the books. And one can choose the one which suits best according to the strengths and weaknesses.
Law school is full of confusion and chaos. One day you would be involved in some moot court, another day there would be some debate competition going on. Here, we would review a shortlist of books and how to choose which would work best in the career of the law field.
The first year of law school would include the smearing of the book named 'Law of Torts' authored by RK Bangia. Here we would have a book review of the book as if this would serve the purpose vividly or not.
Without further ado, let us get started :)
Law of Torts: RK Bangia

Though this book is full of 'Quality' content, yet it cannot be categorised as 'the best one'. However, after much analysis we can find that most of the college curriculums follow this book as the 'exemplar' among other law books on the law of torts.
- Quality content.
- Point wise categorisation.
- Includes summaries at the end of the book.
- Covers the topics holistically.
- Certain areas are less detailed; such as assault and battery.
- Excess detail in the areas related to Consumer Protection Act and Motor Vehicle Act.
- May include 'backbreaking' vocabulary, which would make it uneasy to understand it.
- Certain areas such as case laws summaries are not present vividly making it hard to understand.
- Not a good one to focus on in case one has not done any prior reading.
- Not good for studying just before exams.
Although no one is perfect, yet it is the most recommended book. From the personal experience and the rigorous analysis with a bundle of law books, we can conclude that this book would suit you if one would study religiously at least a month before the Mid-Terms and Finals!
For more book reviews, feel free to ping me on LinkedIn.
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