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On Depression: Raining from the Eyes

 On Depression

Where every day faints in blue,

From the dawn to the dusk,

Including those empty noons,

Where people see your makeup and haircut,

But can't get into soul and the demons.

How and when you wake up,

Every smile that is waspishly held up (as pasted one).

Where every other tread a traditional path,

Judiciary, Advocate, Lawyer or Canada;

You break the path and see the tabooed sinister,

Where everyone assumes it as a city of -

'darts of mucous or some champagne and wine'

A robotic life with the same Lakshmikanth and I,

Mocks, revisions and notes are all which suddenly glorify.

More than that, I'd thank it for a better EI.

A flaw which I now have rectified.

Amen! Shall it last forever?

Where leaves would ruffle into a stormy night,

The lights would blink as the vampires' bright & giant eyes;

Sans a night without rainfall from these eyes!

And you would listen to the wind slapping your face,

Day in and day out, how long will it chase.

Would that be a disguise?

Ostracised when you socialise,

you take an Alibi and slowly hide;

Where you lock in your room and question your life,

Sans a proof whether - a beauty or a blight.

Am I gambling?

Or testing a wagering contract with my dream life...

Sans a dear one to talk thwart,

'Coz everyone would judge you a lot;

Tread a path alone, unabashed.

But deep inside you still wonder and clench tears inside,

Head in knees or knees in the head - 

Now makes no difference to these eyes.

World War-3 or Communalism as the pothole;

For a piece of land,

Or following on media as the goal.

Soon it all turns into a cajole,

No, this too shall pass;

Or lest be worshipped as 'Corona-Baba's impasse.

Six books in one day, 

Where Epica starts beautiful dawn;

The noons turn around with Evanescence's Argon;

No, it's Lithium.

The forgetfulness peeps in any way,

Can there be any way to sway?

Yeah, old mollycoddles such as reduce stress,

Then the delusion of competition comes up beautifully dressed!

IFS kya hi hae? 

Bari DC laagi ho tum...

Har Chautha shaaksh hae kehtaa...

Fir bhi yeaa 'haraf' asmanjaashh mae, 

Sehme-sehme hae,

College ko jaata, college ko jaata...


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