Corporate Personality
- What is a company?
- What would be the extend and application of Company Act 2013
- Nature of Corporate form
- Advantages and Disadvantages of incorporation
- Kinds of company etc.
What is the meaning of a company?
A company is an artificial legal entity, which is recognised by law and is able to enter into contracts. According to the Company's Act, 1956:
A company is a person, artificial, invisible, intangible and existing only in the contemporary contemplation of the law.
Being a mere creature of law, it possesses only those properties which is the character of the creation of its creation confers upon in either expressly or as incidental to its very existence.
It can be clearly defined that:
- A company is defined as a group of people that contribute money or the worth of money to common stock to employ it in some trade or business. The people in this group share the profit or loss arising as a result.
- The Common stock is usually denoted in terms of money and is the capital of a company
- The persons who contribute to the common stock are the members.
- The proportion of the capital entitled to each member is called member's share.
- Shares are always transferable subject to the restrictions and the liabilities offered by the rights to transfer shares.
What are the basic characteristics of a company?
Incorporated Association
Artificial Legal Person
Separate Legal Entity
Perpetual Existence
Common Seal
Limited Liability
A company may be limited by shares by guarantee. In a company limited by the shares, the liability of the members is limited to the unpaid value of the shares. In a company limited by the guarantee, the liability of members is limited to such an amount as the members may undertake to contribute to the assets of the company.
Transferability of the shares
The shares of the company are transferable in the case of a public company. The right to transfer shares is a statutory right and it cannot be taken away by any provision. The transfer of the shares should be bona fide and with reasonable restrictions on them. The article shall restrict the members from the arbitrary transfer of the shares.
Delegated management
Any company can be considered an autonomous, self-governing and self-controlled organisation. Due to the presence of a large number of members, all the members cannot take part in the management of the affairs of the company. Control and management is therefore delegated to the elected members of the representatives of the company called the directors.
Directors regulate the day to day activities and programs of a company.
Having discussed the major characteristics of a company now we will discuss about the incorporation of a company.
Incorporation of a company
Advantages of Incorporation of a company
It simplifies the procedure
Death or withdrawal of members do not change the venture
In case there is any death or the withdrawal of the members of a company, there is no change in the nature of the company.
Can freely dispose off its property in its own name
The property of the company can be clearly distinguished from the property of the shareholders. The shareholders cannot claim on the property of the company.
Has the corporate legal responsibility
In case there is any harm to the environment, the disposition of the houses of the people at the time of incorporating the head office of the company, the company is liable to pay compensation to the aggrieved party.
There are certain additional cess, in case the company's income exceed a certain sum which is prescribed under the Income Tax Act. The company is more accountable to the persons and the investors now.
Development in the National Economy
The produce of the company would be more accountable. The produce of the company would be counted in Gross Domestic Produce and income tax.
Increases the accountability of the company
Disadvantages of Incorporation of a Company
- Can be manipulated by the Registrar
- Loss of Privacy
- Difficulty and complex procedure of winding up
- Loss of personal and intimate control over the working and the procedure of the company
- Greater public accountability: Due to this one cannot work against the public interest
- The intervention of regulatory authority
- Control over the economic resources in a few hands
Kinds of Company
Thus we see that with power comes responsibility.

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