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World History

  The wind of change is blowing through the continent. Whether we like it or not, this growth of national  consciousness is a political fact, and our national policies must take account of it.” – 1960 wrt to African  decolonisation PHILOSOPHERS ROUSSEAU:  Pol philosophy & socialism:  ∙ Greed corrupted man 🡪 strong captured land & property & forced week to obey them 🡪 ideal time  human being had when there was no pvt property 🡪 perfect world man in natural state ∙ Natural inequality 🡪 can b tolerated as it id beyond control  ∙ Inequality Created by society must b removed  Pol philosophy & democracy:  ∙ Social contract theory & general will  ∙ Sovereignty in hands of people + distinction b/s govt & sovereignty  ∙ Man is born free & everywhere he is in chains  Pol philosophy & absolutism:  ∙ General will not consensus of individual members of society as that contains pvt interest too ∙ Submission to authority of general will of people even by abandoning